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The Book Palace
established 1977

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Bernard Long Art

School Boy and Friendly Dragon (Original)

School Boy and Friendly Dragon (Original)

Price:  £250.00


The Cave Bear and The Giant Beaver (Original)

The Cave Bear and The Giant Beaver (Original)

Price:  £200.00

Ref: LongBearandBeaver 

Saint George and The Dragon (Original)

Saint George and The Dragon (Original)

Price:  £300.00

Ref: LongDamselDistress 

Dragon Chase (Original)

Dragon Chase (Original)

Price:  £250.00

Ref: LongDragonChase 

The Castle of Scorched Earth (Original)

The Castle of Scorched Earth (Original)

Price:  £250.00

Ref: LongFireBreather 

Terrorized by Dragons (Original)

Terrorized by Dragons (Original)

Price:  £250.00

Ref: LongMilkMaid 

Dragons fill the Sky (Original)

Dragons fill the Sky (Original)

Price:  £250.00

Ref: LongRedSky 

The Dragon from the Well (Original)

The Dragon from the Well (Original)

Price:  £250.00

Ref: LongBlueDragon 

The Chinese Dragon (Original)

The Chinese Dragon (Original)

Price:  £150.00

Ref: LongChinaDragon 

Desmostylus (Original)

Desmostylus (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongDes 

Homoerectus Hunting (Original)

Homoerectus Hunting (Original)

Price:  £220.00

Ref: LongHErectusAfrica 

The Hunter (Original)

The Hunter (Original)

Price:  £240.00

Ref: LongLupina 

Neanderthal Tool Maker (Original) (Signed)

Neanderthal Tool Maker (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £250.00

Ref: LongNToolMaker 

Village Life (Original)

Village Life (Original)

Price:  £280.00

Ref: LongVillage 

Stone Age Hunting Party (Original)

Stone Age Hunting Party (Original)

Price:  £240.00

Ref: LongStoneA 

Australopithecus (Original)

Australopithecus (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongTrot 

Archer Fish (Original)

Archer Fish (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongArcherFish 

Giant and Fairy Armadillos (Original)

Giant and Fairy Armadillos (Original)

Price:  £220.00

Ref: LongArmadillo 

Neanderthal Boys Hunting Rabbits (Original)

Neanderthal Boys Hunting Rabbits (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongBunnyHunt 

Lord of the Dance (Original)

Lord of the Dance (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: LongCaveDance 

Hunter and Hunted (Original)

Hunter and Hunted (Original)

Price:  £240.00

Ref: LongDinictis 

Dicrocerus Elegans (Original) (Signed)

Dicrocerus Elegans (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £240.00

Ref: LongDicrocerus 

A Successful Hunt (Original)

A Successful Hunt (Original)

Price:  £280.00

Ref: LongCooking 

Homoerectus (Original)

Homoerectus (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongHomoE 

Reindeer Hunt (Original)

Reindeer Hunt (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: LongHuntTrap 

Komodo Dragon (Original)

Komodo Dragon (Original)

Price:  £230.00

Ref: LongKDrag 

Neolithic Man Ploughing (Original)

Neolithic Man Ploughing (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongOxPlough 

Plesiadapis (Original)

Plesiadapis (Original)

Price:  £220.00

Ref: LongPlesiadapis 

The Elephants Ancestor (Original)

The Elephants Ancestor (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongPlatybelodon 

Ramapithecus (Original)

Ramapithecus (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongRamapithecus 

Peril From Below (Original)

Peril From Below (Original)

Price:  £250.00

Ref: LongSawfish 

Sawfish and Tiger Shark (Original)

Sawfish and Tiger Shark (Original)

Price:  £340.00

Ref: LongSawTiger 

Seal Hunters (Original)

Seal Hunters (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongSealHunt 

Synthetoceras (Original)

Synthetoceras (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongSynthetoceras 

Toxodon and Pyrotherium (Original)

Toxodon and Pyrotherium (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongToxodon 

Pleistocene Outback Australia (Original)

Pleistocene Outback Australia (Original)

Price:  £240.00

Ref: LongThylacinus 

Neolithic Settlement (Original)

Neolithic Settlement (Original)

Price:  £340.00

Ref: LongWeave 

Danger Blue Shark (Original)

Danger Blue Shark (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: LongBlue 

Cro Magnon Women Gathering Food (Original)

Cro Magnon Women Gathering Food (Original)

Price:  £230.00

Ref: LongGathering 

Thresher Sharks Targeting a Dolphin (Original)

Thresher Sharks Targeting a Dolphin (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: LongThresher 

The Second Labour of Hercules (Original) (Signed)

The Second Labour of Hercules (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £280.00

Ref: LongHydra 

Imperial Mammoth (Original)

Imperial Mammoth (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: LongImperator 

Spear Carrier (Original)

Spear Carrier (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongBPersian 

The Chase (Original) (Signed)

The Chase (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongBChase 

Tiger Shark and Pilot Fish with Naval Wreck (Original)

Tiger Shark and Pilot Fish with Naval Wreck (Original)

Price:  £230.00

Ref: LongTShark 

The Whale Family (Original)

The Whale Family (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongWhales 

Giant Anteater (Original)

Giant Anteater (Original)

Price:  £220.00

Ref: LongAntEater 

March of the Army Ants (Original)

March of the Army Ants (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongAnts 

What Beavers Do Best (Original) (Signed)

What Beavers Do Best (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £280.00

Ref: LongBeaver 

Range Crest Bower Bird (Original)

Range Crest Bower Bird (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongBowerBird 

Siamese Fighting Fish (Original)

Siamese Fighting Fish (Original)

Price:  £280.00

Ref: LongFightingFish 

Flower Faced Bat (Original)

Flower Faced Bat (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongFlowerFBat 

The Upside Down World of the Fruit Bat (Original)

The Upside Down World of the Fruit Bat (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongFruitBat 

The Honey Bee (Original)

The Honey Bee (Original)

Price:  £220.00

Ref: LongHoneyB 

King Crab (Original)

King Crab (Original)

Price:  £220.00

Ref: LongKingCrab 

Giant Clam and Sailfish (Original)

Giant Clam and Sailfish (Original)

Price:  £280.00

Ref: LongClam 

Locusts - Not only a Biblical Plague (Original)

Locusts - Not only a Biblical Plague (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongLocust 

Mouth Brooder (Original)

Mouth Brooder (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongMouthBrooder 

Standard and Pennant Wing Nightjars (Original)

Standard and Pennant Wing Nightjars (Original)

Price:  £280.00

Ref: LongNightJars 

Arabian Oryx (Original)

Arabian Oryx (Original)

Price:  £230.00

Ref: LongOryx 

The Curious Paper Wasp (Original)

The Curious Paper Wasp (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongPWasp 

The Porcupine Fish (Original)

The Porcupine Fish (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongPorcupineF 

Puss Moth Caterpillar (Original)

Puss Moth Caterpillar (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongPussMoth 

Beware Flying Snakes (Original)

Beware Flying Snakes (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongParadiseSnake 

Thresher Shark (Original)

Thresher Shark (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongShark 

Shipworm (Original)

Shipworm (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongShipworm 

A Spitting Cobra (Original)

A Spitting Cobra (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongSpitSnake 

The Weaver Bird (Original)

The Weaver Bird (Original)

Price:  £220.00

Ref: LongWeaverB 

Animals of the Australian Outback (Original)

Animals of the Australian Outback (Original)

Price:  £220.00

Ref: LongWombat 

Early Hunters Attacking a Woolly Mammoth (Original)

Early Hunters Attacking a Woolly Mammoth (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: LongHunt 

Palaeomeryx Kaupi (Original)

Palaeomeryx Kaupi (Original)

Price:  £230.00

Ref: LongKaupi 

Killer Whales Feeding (Original)

Killer Whales Feeding (Original)

Price:  £280.00

Ref: LongKiller 

Four Birds of Paradise (Original)

Four Birds of Paradise (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: Long4BOP 

Birds of Paradise (Original)

Birds of Paradise (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: Long5Birds 

The Blue Whale (Original)

The Blue Whale (Original)

Price:  £240.00

Ref: LongBlueWhale 

Nature Scene with Ducks (Original)

Nature Scene with Ducks (Original)

Price:  £240.00

Ref: LongDuck 

Prehistoric Animals: Reindeer, Musk Oxen, Mammoth (Original)

Prehistoric Animals: Reindeer, Musk Oxen, Mammoth (Original)

Price:  £250.00

Ref: LongMammoth2LL 

Prehistoric men hunting mammoths (Original) (Signed)

Prehistoric men hunting mammoths (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £380.00

Ref: LongMammothsMLL 

Moeritherium (Original)

Moeritherium (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongMoer 

Andrewsarchus Mongoliensis (Original)

Andrewsarchus Mongoliensis (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongMongo 

Aegyptopithecus (Original)

Aegyptopithecus (Original)

Price:  £340.00

Ref: LongMonkey 

Nannoptergius (Original)

Nannoptergius (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongNanno 

Ape Man (Original)

Ape Man (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongPreMan 

Primates Eating Berries (Original)

Primates Eating Berries (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongPrimates 

Iguanodon Skeleton (Original)

Iguanodon Skeleton (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: LongSkel 

Sperm Whale and Giant Squid (Original)

Sperm Whale and Giant Squid (Original)

Price:  £220.00

Ref: LongSperm 

Water Spider (Original)

Water Spider (Original)

Price:  £250.00

Ref: LongSpider