The Battle of Ulundi (Original)

The Battle of Ulundi art by James E McConnell

The Battle of Ulundi (Original)


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Artist: James E McConnell
Medium: Gouache on Board
Size: 17" x 11" (420mm x 280mm)
Date: 1973
Code: McConnellZulu5LL

This is the unique original Gouache painting by James E McConnell.

Ulundi, the final battle of the Zulu War, at which the army of Cetewayo was destroyed 4th July 1879. The Zulu warriors were formed in regiments by age, their standard equipment the shield and the stabbing spear. The formation for the attack, described as the “horns of the beast”, was said to have been devised by Shaka, the Zulu King who established Zulu hegemony in Southern Africa.

The main body of the army delivered a frontal assault, called the “loins”, while the “horns” spread out behind each of the enemy's flanks and delivered the secondary and often fatal attack in the enemy's rear.

Cetewayo, the Zulu King, fearing British aggression took pains to purchase firearms wherever they could be bought. By the outbreak of war the Zulus had tens of thousands of muskets and rifles, but of a poor standard, and the Zulus were ill-trained in their use. The Zulus captured some 1,000 Martini Henry breech loading rifles and a large amount of ammunition. Some of these rifles were used at Rorke's Drift. All the British casualties, few though they were, were shot rather than stabbed.
  • Artist Biography
    James E McConnell (1903 - 1995)
    Well known as a paperback and book jacket artist, particularly for Westerns, James McConnell never turned his hand to picture strips. Leonard Matthews, seeing his paperback work on display in a bookshop, soon had him working as a cover artist for Amalgamated Press, doing the majority of covers for the all text Western Library, a great many of the Cowboy Comics Library covers and a fair number of covers for Thriller Comics Library.

    His robust, action-packed style is instantly recognisable. He always seemed more at home with cowboys rather than historical swashbucklers, his covers for the Western Library being of a particular high standard. Nonetheless, some of his historical covers for Thriller Comics Library are very satisfying for he is a great professional and can turn his hand to any genre. McConnell was an incredibly prolific artist, frequently completing a cover painting and the rough for another painting in the same day.

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