Famous Couples: Maximilien Robespierre and Eleanor Duplay (Original)

Famous Couples: Maximilien Robespierre and Eleanor Duplay art by Robert Brook

Famous Couples: Maximilien Robespierre and Eleanor Duplay (Original)


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Artist: Robert Brook
Medium: Gouache on Board
Size: 16" x 14" (395mm x 350mm)
Date: 1967
Code: BrookRobespierreLL

This is the unique original Gouache painting by Robert Brook.

Robespierre and Eleanor Duplay. Eleanor was the daughter of the cabinet maker Duplay who had saved Robespierre from almost certain death. He lived with the family for several years though the couple never married.

Robespierre was executed in 1794 only two years after helping with the proclamation of the Republic because of his part in the Reign of Terror when so many lives were lost.

Original artwork for cover of Look and Learn issue no 303 (4 November 1967).
  • Artist Biography
    Robert Brook
    Despite a great deal of digging, almost nothing is known about artist Robert Brook. He appears to have begun working for the educational weekly Look and Learn in around 1965. His work was often highly detailed, as shown in the illustration left that depicts a scene from Margaret Landon's novel Anna and the King, which was later turned into the musical The King and I (filmed in 1956, starring Deborah Kerr and Yul Brynner).

    This was one of a series of covers Brook produced featuring Famous Couples, others including Hiawatha & Minnehaha, Robespierre & Eleanor Duplay, Andrian Nikolayev & Valentina Tereshkova (two Russian cosmonauts) and Heathcliff & Cathy. Other cover series drawn by Brook included Animal Heroes and Famous Partnerships.

    Inside Look and Learn, he illustrated the serial The Red Bonnet by Henry Garnett with some delightful black & white illustrations and a feature on The Literary Lambs (Charles and Mary). He often worked in colour, illustrating historical features such as The Tyrant of Mysore, about the Duke of Wellington's defeat of the Sultan of Mysore in 1799, and a long-running feature on Dancing Around the World, which ran for 20 episodes in 1968.

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