Schooner (Original)

Schooner art by 20th Century unidentified artist

Schooner (Original)

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Artist: 20th Century unidentified artist
Medium: Gouache on Board
Size: 13" x 7" (320mm x 180mm)
Date: 1982
Code: 20thSchoonerLL

This is the unique original Gouache painting by 20th Century unidentified artist.

The most common schooner ships have two or three masts, although some do feature more. Each of the masts is equally tall and each carries gaff sails.

Gaff sails are more efficient in adverse winds, and were therefore used mostly in littoral waters with varying wind directions. Many 19th century pleasure boats were rigged as schooners.

Artwork published as page 27 of the World of Knowledge Annual 1983, but the artwork was probably published initially some years earlier. Artist yet to be identified.

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