How Science Works for You: The Radio in Your Body that Fights Pain (Original)

How Science Works for You: The Radio in Your Body that Fights Pain art by 20th Century unidentified

How Science Works for You: The Radio in Your Body that Fights Pain (Original)

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Artist: 20th Century unidentified artist
Medium: Watercolour on Board
Size: 15" x 20" (370mm x 500mm)
Date: 1972
Code: 20thFootballLL

This is the unique original Watercolour painting by 20th Century unidentified artist.

Feelings of pain can be short-circuited by a device implanted under the skin; electrodes attached to the spine are wired to a transmitter which can be turned on and off.

This is the original artwork from Look and Learn no. 567, 25th November 1972.

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