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The Book Palace
established 1977

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Richard Hook Art

The Norsemen (Original)

The Norsemen (Original)

Price:  £450.00

Ref: HookRLL 

The Moropus (Original) (Signed)

The Moropus (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £400.00

Ref: HookRLL01 

Tusk Me, I'm A Caveman (Original)

Tusk Me, I'm A Caveman (Original)

Price:  £300.00

Ref: HookRTUSK 

Nostradamus: The Gentle Doctor who Shocked the World (Original)

Nostradamus: The Gentle Doctor who Shocked the World (Original)

Price:  £180.00

Ref: HookNostradamus 

King Alfred (Original)

King Alfred (Original)

Price:  £250.00

Ref: HookAlfredLL 

Enthusiastic Pupils (Original)

Enthusiastic Pupils (Original)

Price:  £200.00

Ref: HookLessonsLL 

Strange Duels (Original)

Strange Duels (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: HookBilliardLL 

Victorian Pick Pocket (Original)

Victorian Pick Pocket (Original)

Price:  £240.00

Ref: HookPickPocket 

I Spy Bathing Beauties (Original)

I Spy Bathing Beauties (Original)

Price:  £210.00

Ref: HookTelescope 

Sumer - Cradle of Civilisation (Original) (Signed)

Sumer - Cradle of Civilisation (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: HookSumer 

The Frozen North (Original)

The Frozen North (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: HookFrozen 

King Edward VII in France (Original)

King Edward VII in France (Original)

Price:  £220.00

Ref: HookEdwardVIILL 

The Gloucester Sea Serpent (Original) (Signed)

The Gloucester Sea Serpent (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £380.00

Ref: HookSerpentLL 

Dunce (Original)

Dunce (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: HookDunce 

Floralia the Roman Flower Festival (Original) (Signed)

Floralia the Roman Flower Festival (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £380.00

Ref: HookFestival 

Changing Fashions for the Family (Original) (Signed)

Changing Fashions for the Family (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: HookHomeSweetHome 

Merlin and the Lady of the Lake (Original) (Signed)

Merlin and the Lady of the Lake (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £370.00

Ref: HookMerlinLL 

Camelot (Original) (Signed)

Camelot (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: HookCamelotLL 

The Happy Friar (Original)

The Happy Friar (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: HookFishingLL 

The Henley Regatta in Edwardian Times (Original)

The Henley Regatta in Edwardian Times (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: HookHenleyLL 

Offerings of food to the God Osiris (Original)

Offerings of food to the God Osiris (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: HookPrayersLL 

Imhotep and the Great Pyramid (Original) (Signed)

Imhotep and the Great Pyramid (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: HookPyramidLL 

The Origins of Rugby Football (Original)

The Origins of Rugby Football (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: HookRugbyLL 

Balloon Over Suffragette City (Original)

Balloon Over Suffragette City (Original)

Price:  £220.00

Ref: HookBalloonLL 

Boat Race Oxford Vs Cambridge (Original)

Boat Race Oxford Vs Cambridge (Original)

Price:  £240.00

Ref: HookBoatRace 

Visions of Disaster at Culloden (Original) (Signed)

Visions of Disaster at Culloden (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: HookCulloden 

Spare the Rod (Original)

Spare the Rod (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: HookDisciplineLL 

London Bus (Original)

London Bus (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: HookEdwardianBus 

Camille Clifford (Original)

Camille Clifford (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: HookGibsonGirl 

Upstairs Downstairs (Original)

Upstairs Downstairs (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: HookKitchen 

The Oracle of Delphi (Original) (Signed)

The Oracle of Delphi (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £340.00

Ref: HookRiddles 

Old Mother Shipton (Original) (Signed)

Old Mother Shipton (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £370.00

Ref: HookShiptonLL 

Suffragette City (Original)

Suffragette City (Original)

Price:  £220.00

Ref: HookSuffragetteLL 

Slavery in Anglo-Saxon Times (Original)

Slavery in Anglo-Saxon Times (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: HookTwins 

Johnny Appleseed (Original)

Johnny Appleseed (Original)

Price:  £380.00

Ref: HookEdenLL 

A Day at the Races (Original) (Signed)

A Day at the Races (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: HookJockeysLL 

Mounted Warriors (Original) (Signed)

Mounted Warriors (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £560.00

Ref: HookBattleLL 

Gulliver's Travels: Voyage to Brobdingnag - Talk of the Town (Original)

Gulliver's Travels: Voyage to Brobdingnag - Talk of the Town (Original)

Price:  £340.00

Ref: HookGT2-2 

Yaks (Original)

Yaks (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: HookYak 

Flogging and Fagging (Original) (Signed)

Flogging and Fagging (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £220.00

Ref: HookLongLL 

King John and the Magna Carta (Original)

King John and the Magna Carta (Original)

Price:  £330.00

Ref: HookMagnaCarta 

Unwillingly to School (Original) (Signed)

Unwillingly to School (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: HookMonkLL 

A 17th Century Boy Kneels in Front of his Father in Penitence (Original) (Signed)

A 17th Century Boy Kneels in Front of his Father in Penitence (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £250.00

Ref: Hook2DogsLL 

The Murder of Thomas a Becket (Original)

The Murder of Thomas a Becket (Original)

Price:  £220.00

Ref: HookBecket 

Bowls & Beer (Original)

Bowls & Beer (Original)

Price:  £340.00

Ref: HookBowlsLL 

Brass Band (Original) (Signed)

Brass Band (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £260.00

Ref: HookBrassBandLL 

Car Trouble (Original)

Car Trouble (Original)

Price:  £260.00

Ref: HookCarTroubleLL 

The Dame School (Original) (Signed)

The Dame School (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £250.00

Ref: HookDameLL 

Dick Whittington (Original) (Signed)

Dick Whittington (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £250.00

Ref: HookDick 

The Birth of the Public Schools (Original) (Signed)

The Birth of the Public Schools (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £220.00

Ref: HookDoorLL 

The Duellist (Original)

The Duellist (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: HookDuel1LL 

Edwardians At The Seaside (Original)

Edwardians At The Seaside (Original)

Price:  £260.00

Ref: HookEdSeasideLL 

Folk Tales of the American West (Original) (Signed)

Folk Tales of the American West (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £1,000.00

Ref: HookFolkLL 

Hyde Park in the 1880s (Original) (Signed)

Hyde Park in the 1880s (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: HookHydeParkLL 

Moses Breaking the Tablets (Original)

Moses Breaking the Tablets (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: HookMosesLL 

Horatio Nelson and Napoleon Bonaparte (Original) (Signed)

Horatio Nelson and Napoleon Bonaparte (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: HookNelson 

The Battle of Salamis (Original)

The Battle of Salamis (Original)

Price:  £380.00

Ref: HookRGreekShipLL 

A Light in Darkest Africa - David Livingstone (Original)

A Light in Darkest Africa - David Livingstone (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: HookRNatives1LL 

Sabre-Tooth! (Original) (Signed)

Sabre-Tooth! (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £810.00

Ref: HookSabreToothLL 

Victorian Street Scene (Original) (Signed)

Victorian Street Scene (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £750.00

Ref: HookVicStSceneLL 

Persians Hunting Lions (Original)

Persians Hunting Lions (Original)

Price:  £560.00

Ref: HookWarriorsLL 

Knights of the Round Table 5 (Original) (Signed)

Knights of the Round Table 5 (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £380.00

Ref: HookBalin