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British History (Ron Embleton)

Henry VIII at Croquet (Original)

Henry VIII at Croquet (Original)

Price:  £400.00

Ref: EmbletonCroq 

Charge of the Light Brigade (Original)

Charge of the Light Brigade (Original)

Price:  £400.00

Ref: EmbletonCharge2 

The French Army Under a Hail Of Arrows at Agincourt (Original)

The French Army Under a Hail Of Arrows at Agincourt (Original)

Price:  £550.00

Ref: EmbletonAgincourtLL 

The Khyber Pass (Original)

The Khyber Pass (Original)

Price:  £300.00

Ref: EmbletonKhyber1 

Cromwell in Parliament (Original)

Cromwell in Parliament (Original)

Price:  £1,200.00

Ref: EmbletonRCromParlLL 

Edward Eyre 1841 Adelaide to Albany (Original)

Edward Eyre 1841 Adelaide to Albany (Original)

Price:  £175.00

Ref: EmbletonOz 

The Day Two Kings Wrestled Each Other (Original)

The Day Two Kings Wrestled Each Other (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: EmbletonOly02 

Soldiers of the Second Afghan War (Original)

Soldiers of the Second Afghan War (Original)

Price:  £125.00

Ref: EmbletonRAfghan2 

The Duke of Marlborough at Blenheim (Original)

The Duke of Marlborough at Blenheim (Original)

Price:  £550.00

Ref: EmbletonRBlenheimLL 

Victory in the Battle of Minden (Original) (Signed)

Victory in the Battle of Minden (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £350.00

Ref: EmbletonRRoses 

Cromwell Crosses The River Severn (Original)

Cromwell Crosses The River Severn (Original)

Price:  £1,200.00

Ref: EmbletonRCromBoatLL 

The Battle of Killiecrankie 1689 (Original)

The Battle of Killiecrankie 1689 (Original)

Price:  £350.00

Ref: EmbletonRJockFightLL 

42nd Royal Highland Regiment (Original) (Signed)

42nd Royal Highland Regiment (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £295.00

Ref: EmbletonRHighland 

The Battle of Marston Moor (Original)

The Battle of Marston Moor (Original)

Price:  £1,200.00

Ref: EmbletonRMarstonLL 

The Sergeant-at-Arms of the House of Commons beaten by the Sheriff of London (Original)

The Sergeant-at-Arms of the House of Commons beaten by the Sheriff of London (Original)

Price:  £495.00

Ref: EmbletonRRejectedLL 

Peninsular Desperation (Original)

Peninsular Desperation (Original)

Price:  £175.00

Ref: EmbletonRPeninsul 

Advance to Khyber Pass (Original)

Advance to Khyber Pass (Original)

Price:  £400.00

Ref: EmbletonKhyber2 

Medieval Countryside (Original)

Medieval Countryside (Original)

Price:  £350.00

Ref: EmbletonHorse 

18th Century Wedding (Original)

18th Century Wedding (Original)

Price:  £150.00

Ref: EmbletonRWedding 

Lindisfarne - The Holy Isle (Original)

Lindisfarne - The Holy Isle (Original)

Price:  £245.00

Ref: EmbletonHolyIsle 

Large Cartoon of Shirley Williams (Original)

Large Cartoon of Shirley Williams (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: RE0141 

Large Cartoon of Anthony Crosland with Flower in Lapel (Original)

Large Cartoon of Anthony Crosland with Flower in Lapel (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: RE0142 

Cromwell - The Farmer Who Ruled England (Original)

Cromwell - The Farmer Who Ruled England (Original)

Price:  £1,120.00

Ref: EmbletonRNewMALL 

There's A Riot Going On (Original)

There's A Riot Going On (Original)

Price:  £750.00

Ref: EmbletonRRiotLL 

William Harvey (Original)

William Harvey (Original)

Price:  £125.00

Ref: EmbletonHarveyLL 

Agincourt The Impossible Victory (Original)

Agincourt The Impossible Victory (Original)

Price:  £1,800.00

Ref: EmbletonRAgincourtLL 

Thomas Gainsborough (Original)

Thomas Gainsborough (Original)

Price:  £750.00

Ref: EmbletonGainsLL 

The Farmer Who Ruled England (Original)

The Farmer Who Ruled England (Original)

Price:  £750.00

Ref: EmbletonREvictedLL 

Sir Francis Drake (Original)

Sir Francis Drake (Original)

Price:  £125.00

Ref: EmbletonDrake 

Henry Morgan - Your Money or Your Life (Original)

Henry Morgan - Your Money or Your Life (Original)

Price:  £125.00

Ref: EmbletonRGreenPirate 

Alexander Selkirk Marooned! (Original)

Alexander Selkirk Marooned! (Original)

Price:  £245.00

Ref: EmbletonSelkirkLL 

Captain Kidd (Original)

Captain Kidd (Original)

Price:  £125.00

Ref: EmbletonKidd 

The Truth Behind the Legend of Dick Whittington (Original)

The Truth Behind the Legend of Dick Whittington (Original)

Price:  £150.00

Ref: EmbletonRClothLL 

Life in Norman Times in England (Original)

Life in Norman Times in England (Original)

Price:  £495.00

Ref: EmbletonVillage 

The Young Pretender (Original)

The Young Pretender (Original)

Price:  £125.00

Ref: EmbletonPretenderLL