Original book cover art 2 (Original)

Original book cover art 2 art by Stephen Richard Boldero

Original book cover art 2 (Original)

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Artist: Stephen Richard Boldero
Medium: Gouache on Board
Size: 10" x 12" (260mm x 300mm)
Date: 1974
Code: BolderoUNK2

This is the unique original Gouache painting by Stephen Richard Boldero.

This is the original art for the Hardcover edition of a book published by Souvenir Press 1974.

One of a collection of original cover paintings recently recovered from the archives of Souvenir Press.
  • Artist Biography
    Stephen Richard Boldero (1898 - 1987)
    Boldero's cover artwork appeared regularly in the 1950s and 1960s, published by most of the leading paperback firms (Corgi, Digit, Arrow, Pan, Panther, Four Square, Consul).

    He also had a long association with Souvenir Press, producing numerous dust jackets, including many atmospheric paperback covers for Wild West novels.

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