Artist: Roger Payne Medium: Gouache on Board Size: 11" x 8" (285mm x 205mm) Date: 1981 Code: PayneSocrates
This is the unique original Gouache painting by Roger Payne.
Under orders from the state Socrates drinks the hemlock that would kill him. Surrounded by his sorrowing friends, the condemned man calmly took the cup of poison.
Original artwork for illustration on p7 of Look and Learn issue no 989 (21 February 1981). The art was featured in part seven of the history of Athens feature in the magazine.
Roger Payne (born c. 1934; UK) Roger Payne is a professional illustrator from the UK. His homoerotic work is well known amongst aficionados but he has also done many illustrations for books and magazines, including historical illustrations for Look and Learn.
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