I Spy Bathing Beauties (Original)

I Spy Bathing Beauties art by Richard Hook

I Spy Bathing Beauties (Original)


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Artist: Richard Hook
Medium: Mixed Media on Board
Size: 7" x 7" (180mm x 180mm)
Date: 1970
Code: HookTelescope

This is the unique original Mixed Media art by Richard Hook.

The Seaside Story: Bathing clothed and unclothed. Forbidden to go within 100 yards of the local bathing beauties, some Victorians found a solution.

Original artwork from Look and Learn no. 443 (11 November 1970).
  • Artist Biography
    Richard Hook (1938 - January 2010; UK)
    Richard Hook was born in 1938 and trained at Reigate College of Art. After national service with 1st Bn, Queen's Royal Regiment, he became art editor of the much-praised magazine Finding Out during the 1960s.

    He then went on to work as a freelance illustrator, earning an international reputation for his deep knowledge of Native American material culture.

    He provided many illustrations, predominantly scenes from British history and daily life, for Look and Learn magazine during the 1960s and 1970s and illustrated more than 50 titles for Osprey, contributing to these books for over 30 years. Sadly Richard passed away in January 2010.


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