The Great Fire of London and St Paul's Cathedral (Signed) (Original)
The Great Fire of London and St Paul's Cathedral (Signed) (Original)
The Great Fire of London and St Paul's Cathedral (Signed) (Original)
Artist: Peter Andrews Medium: Gouache on Board Size: 8" x 20" (200mm x 500mm) Date: 1964 Signature: Signed by artist bottom left Code: AndrewsGreatFireLL
This is the Signed unique original Gouache painting by Peter Andrews.
A vivid portrayal of the Great Fire of 1666. At the top of the picture the destruction of Saint Paul's Cathedral can clearly be seen.
This is the original artwork for illustration on p20 of The Bible Story issue no 3 (21 March 1964). The Bible Story was a short lived sister publication to Look and Learn.
Peter Andrews; UK Peter Andrews was active as an artist and illustrator in Bristol for many years where he was an active member of the Bristol Savages Artists group. Most of his work is now held in private collections.
His output was very varied ranging from strong graphic style illustration to advertising art, Cornish landscape, pure abstract art and Pop art; also sculpture and large murals.
Artist: Peter JacksonMedium: Gouaches on BoardSize: 8" x 11" (215mm x 285mm)Date: 1970Code: JacksonGtFireLLThese are the unique original Gouache paint...
Artist: Gerry EmbletonMedium: Gouache on BoardSize: 18" x 18" (445mm x 450mm)Date: 1963Code: EmbletonGGreatFireLLThis is the unique original Gouache p...
Artist: Patrick NicolleMedium: Gouache on BoardSize: 10" x 9" (250mm x 230mm)Date: 1976Code: NicolleFireLLThis is the unique original Gouache painting...