Artist BiographyGiorgio Trevisan (born 13 October 1934; Merano, Italy)
Giorgio Trevisan, painter and illustrator, was born in Merano (near Bolzano, Italy). After graduating in Classics in 1957, and after several professional jobs he started to work for the Creazoni Dami Studio in Milan, drawing the series Cherry Brandy, and after that was given the opportunity to work on some of the war strips for Amalgamated Press. In 1959 he began to work for the Corriere dei Ragazzi and, as a result of his moving to Este, near Padova, with the Messaggero di Sant'Antonio.
Between 1970 and 1975 he illustrated the Life of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, with which he gained the Primo Premio della Stampa Cristiana d'Europa. In the same year he collaborated with the Corriere Boy designing fantasties written from Milo Milani. From 1980 he worked on the series Ken Parker and Julia.
Trevisan's UK work started with his collaboration with Rinaldo 'Roy' Dami, where he drew several war stories for Fleetway during the late 1950s and early sixties, including Battle Picture Library (Nos. 46, 57), War Picture Library (Nos. 175, 277, 287) and became one of the many artists that worked on Battler Britton. However, even when Dami had moved on to other pastures Trevisan continued to work for the UK market, and primarily Amalgamated Press/Fleetway.
In 1964 he drew HMS Outcast for Hurricane, in 1966 he was producing some episodes of Trelawney of the Guards for the Lion comic, this was later renamed Trelawney's Mob with artwork by original Trelawney artist Victor de la Fuente and Jose Ortiz, as well as the rather weird strip The Flying Fortress (1978) and in the meantime he also did work for various Treasure Annuals. During the late 1960s he worked on some of The Spider stories for Fleetway Stupendous Library as well as some of the war stories in the Fleetway Front Line Series.
During this period Trevisan also illustrated several adaptations of children's novels, including The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett and A Dog of Flanders by English author Ouida (Marie Louise de la Ramée), as well as fairy tales such as the Ugly Duckling.
Amongst his non-UK work, Hannibal is regarded as one of his best ever strips. This was the story of the great general and Trevisan's line work is absolutely wonderful.
He also worked on the French comic series Yataca (Aventures & Voyages) nos. 1-209, these being both original stories and UK reprints by Trevisan, Joe Colqhoun, Denis McLoughlin, Josep Subirats, Victor Peon, Garcia Quiros, Annibale Casabianca.
For l'Eternauta, towards the end of the 1980s, Trevisan brought Sherlock Holmes back to life, but with all the respect and care that someone with his love for history could do. In total there were six adventures of Holmes, scripts by Giancarlo Berardi and designed by Trevisan. Berardi's scripts take nothing away from Conan Doyle's originals, whilst Trevisan's chiaroscura allows the reader to slip into the atmosphere of film, and his reconstructions of London are meticulous and evocative.