F W Purvis (born 1900) Not much is known about this talented artist. He illustrated the 'Dauntless Jock' stories in the 1950s written by Allan K. Taylor and set all around the world, including the Wild West and the African Jungle; the anthology of short stories 'None But the Brave' written by Claude Smedley, Jane Dowling et al; and the classic novel 'Robinson Crusoe' by Daniel Defoe.
Artist: F W PurvisMedium: Gouache on BoardSize: 10" x 14" (255mm x 345mm)Date: 1951Signature: Signed by artist bottom rightCode: PurvisJock5This is t...
Artist: Jesus BlascoMedium: Watercolour on BoardSize: 5" x 6" (135mm x 145mm)Date: 1970Code: BlascoHG3This is the unique original Watercolour painting...
Artist: Milo ManaraMedium: Mixed Media on PaperSize: 12" x 8" (297mm x 209mm)Date: 1995Signature: Signed by artist lower rightCode: ManaraCoveThis is...