Magazine Of Horror: Bizarre - Frightening - Gruesome (2 issues)

Magazine Of Horror: Bizarre - Frightening - Gruesome (2 issues)

Magazine Of Horror: Bizarre - Frightening - Gruesome (2 issues)

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2 issues of Magazine of Horror, the Summer issue and the November issue from 1967.

This US Digest-size magazine ran for 36 issues August 1963 to April 1971.

The longest-running and most successful of the reprint magazines edited by R A W Lowndes for Health Knowledge Inc, this chiefly published classic horror tales, some from the early Pulp magazines, notably Strange Tales and Weird Tales. He also reprinted most of the stories in Laurence Manning's Stranger Club series.

Most issues also contained one or two original stories, a number of which are of SF interest. These included several early stories by Roger Zelazny, of which "Comes Now the Power" (Winter 1966), where an individual losing his telepathic abilities (see Telepathy) does his best to give life to a dying child, was nominated for a Hugo award.

Others of interest include "The Man Who Never Was" (Summer 1967) and "Cliffs That Laughed" (March 1969) by R A Lafferty, "Harry Protagonist, Undersec for Overpop" (December 1969) by Richard Wilson. Lowndes also reprinted a number of stories by David H Keller including his little-known novella about humanity's descent into Drug-induced madness, "The Abyss" (September-November 1968), previously only available in The Solitary Hunters; and The Abyss.

Includes writing by:
Jack Williamson, John Martin Leahy, Robert E. Howard, Clark Ashton Smith, Charles Willard Diffin, Maurice Level, J. P. Brennan, R. A. Lafferty.

Publisher: Health Knowledge Inc., 1967 (Out of Print)
Number of pages: 130
Format: Soft Cover
Size: 6" x 7" (140mm x 190mm)
Condition: F - Fine

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