ASSORTED: Science Fiction, Mystery, Horror Digest Magazines (6 issues)

ASSORTED: Science Fiction, Mystery, Horror Digest Magazines (6 issues)

ASSORTED: Science Fiction, Mystery, Horror Digest Magazines (6 issues)

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An assorted collection of Science Fiction, Mystery and Horror digest magazines including:

Startling Mystery Stories: Vol. 3, #6. Published March 1971 by Health Knowledge Inc. This is a rare copy of the final instalment, featuring writing from John Scott Douglas, Larry Eugene Meredith, Aubrey Feist, F. Paul Wilson, Murray Leinster. Startling Mystery Stories specialised in stories where either the detective or villain had supernatural powers or their scientific equivalent. Despite a steadily growing circulation during its 18 issues it was killed in 1971 by increasing costs and distribution problems.

Bizarre Fantasy Tales: Vol. 1, #2. Published March 1971 by Health Knowledge Inc. Featuring writing by Clark Ashton Smith, Walker G. Everett, Eddy C. Bertin, Ambrose Bierce, Algernon Blackwood.

Imaginative Tales: November 1955. Featuring writers Raymond A. Palmer, Philip K. Dick, John Christopher, Raymond E. Banks, Robert Silverberg, Alan E. Nourse. Imaginative Tales was an American fantasy and science fiction magazine launched in September 1954 by William Hamling's Greenleaf Publishing Company. It was created as a sister magazine to Imagination, which Hamling had acquired from Raymond A. Palmer's Clark Publishing. Imaginative Tales began as a vehicle for novel-length humorous fantasy, early issues featuring stories by Charles F. Myers and Robert Bloch.

Space Science Fiction: Vol. 2, #2. Published in September 1953 by Space Publications featuring writers such as; Poul Anderson, Philip K. Dick, Robert Sheckley, Frank M. Robinson, George O. Smith. Between 1952 and 1954, John Raymond published four digest-size science fiction and fantasy magazines. Raymond was an American publisher of men's magazines who knew little about science fiction, but the field's rapid growth and a distributor's recommendation prompted him to pursue the genre. Raymond consulted and then hired Lester del Rey to edit the first magazine, Space Science Fiction, which appeared in May 1952.

Science Fiction Adventures Vol. 1, #4 & Vol. 1, #6. Published by Future Publications in May and September 1953, respectively. Featuring writers such as; Theodore Cogswell, Irving E. Cox Jnr, Robert Sheckley, Richard K. Snodgrass, Robert D. Sampson, Erik van Lhin, M. C. Pease, C. M. Kornbluth, Sam Moskowitz. Another U.S. digest published by John Raymond. Following a distributor's suggestion in 1952, Raymond launched Science Fiction Adventures in '53, edited by Lester Del Rey, but under an alias. Science Fiction Adventures was initially intended to contain more action-oriented stories.

Pages: 130 - 160 pp

Publisher: Health Knowledge Inc; Greenleaf Publishing; Future Publications, 1953 - 1971 (Out of Print)
Number of pages: 130+
Format: Soft Cover; Black & White illustrations
Size: 6" x 7" (140mm x 190mm)
Condition: F - Fine

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