Andersonic Fanzine (5 issues)

Andersonic Fanzine (5 issues) by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson et al

Andersonic Fanzine (5 issues)

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FIVE issues of Andersonic, a fanzine featuring articles, interviews and artwork.

Andersonic is an A5 fanzine which covers the films and television series of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson. Each issue contains features, interviews and articles which explore and discuss their many series, from the black and white Supercar and Fireball XL5, 60s series Stingray, Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, Joe 90 and The Secret Service; the live-action series UFO and Space: 1999 and later stuff such as Terrahawks and right up to date with New Captain Scarlet.
- The publisher

Previous issues have covered the films Doppelganger and Into Infinity - as well as unscreened projects and a look at other productions which they have influenced. We have also featured interviews with some of the series' luminaries - Leo Eaton, Shaun Whittaker-Cooke, Mike Noble, Dominic Lavery, Jan King and Ray Austin amongst others. The fanzine is run on a strictly non-profit basis."

Author: Gerry and Sylvia Anderson et al
Artist: Gerry Anderson et al
Publisher: Andersonic, 2013 - 2020 First Edition (Out of Print)
Number of pages: 43
Format: Soft Cover; Black & White illustrations
Size: 6" x 8" (150mm x 210mm)
Condition: NM - Near Mint

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