Valiant Comics: 1963 - 1965 (30 issues)

Valiant Comics: 1963 - 1965 (30 issues)

Valiant Comics: 1963 - 1965 (30 issues)

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An assortment of 30 issues of Valiant comics from 12th January 1963 to 20th November 1965.

Valiant was a weekly British comics periodical published by Fleetway Publications and later IPC Magazines from 4 October 1962 to 16 October 1976.

A boys' adventure comic, it debuted numerous memorable characters, including Captain Hurricane, The Steel Claw and Mytek the Mighty. Valiant lasted for 712 issues before being merged with stable mate Battle Picture Weekly.

2 issues from 1963
23 issues from 1964
5 issues from 1965

Billy Bunter - Albert Pease/Reg Parlett
Captain Hurricane - R. Charles Roylance, Fred Holmes, Eric Bradbury, Tom Kerr, Alberto Giolitti, Jack Pamby
The Crows - Reg Parlett
Fort Navajo - Jean Giraud (Moebius)
It's A Dog's Life - Jean Roba
Jack O' Justice - Hugh McNeill, Geoff Campion, John McNamara, Jack Pamby, Mike Western, Tom Kerr
Kelly's Eye - Francisco Solano López, Tom Kerr
Kid Gloves - Geoff Campion, Eric Bradbury
Legge's Eleven - Douglas Maxted
Mytek The Mighty - Eric Bradbury, Bill Lacey
The Nutts - Angel Nadal
Sporty - Reg Wooton.

Publisher: Fleetway Publications, 1963 - 1965 (Out of Print)
Number of pages: 40
Format: Soft Cover; Black & White illustrations
Size: 9" x 12" (230mm x 295mm)
Condition: F - Fine
Code: VALIANTSET196365

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