Horatio At The Bridge (Original)

Horatio At The Bridge art by Roger Payne

Horatio At The Bridge (Original)


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Artist: Roger Payne
Medium: Watercolour on Board
Size: 13" x 10" (335mm x 265mm)
Date: 1980
Code: PayneHoratio

This is the unique original Watercolour painting by Roger Payne.

Publius Horatius Cocles was an officer in the army of the ancient Roman Republic who famously defended the Pons Sublicius in Rome from the invading army of Lars Porsena, king of Clusium in the late sixth century BC, during the war between Rome and Clusium.

Originally published in a book about famous soldiers in history, title and date unknown.

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  • Artist Biography
    Roger Payne (born c. 1934; UK)
    Roger Payne is a professional illustrator from the UK. His homoerotic work is well known amongst aficionados but he has also done many illustrations for books and magazines, including historical illustrations for Look and Learn.


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