Allsorts of Pretty Parrots (Original)

Allsorts of Pretty Parrots art by Ian McIntosh

Allsorts of Pretty Parrots (Original)

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Artist: Ian McIntosh
Medium: Gouache on Board
Size: 21" x 13" (530mm x 330mm)
Date: 1971
Code: McIntoshParrots

This is the unique original Gouache painting by Ian McIntosh.

Eleven sorts of Pretty Parrots, including (top L to R) Fischer's Lovebirds, Masked Lovebirds, Budgerigar, Golden Conure, (bottom) African Grey Parrot, Yellow-Headed Amazon Parrots, Blue Macaw, Yellow Macaw, Rosette Cockatoo and Greater Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo.

From Once Upon a Time 120 (29 May 1971). While the art is not signed his name and address appear on the reverse. Please note there is a horizontal crease in the artboard through the grey parrot on the left, hardly visible.
  • Artist Biography
    Ian T P McIntosh (active 1960s and 1970s)
    Not much is known about this talented artist. During the 1960s and 1970s his accomplished illustrations graced many wildlife books with ornithological portraits, including wild ducks, redstart and parrots.

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