The Great Trek (Original)
Medium: Gouache on Board
Size: 13" x 9" (340mm x 240mm)
Date: 1974
Code: McConnellVTrekLL
This is the unique original Gouache painting by James E McConnell.
The Great Trek was a movement of Dutch-speaking colonists up into the interior of southern Africa in search of land where they could establish their own homeland, independent of British rule.
The determination and courage of these pioneers has become the single most important element in the folk memory of Afrikaner Nationalism.
Original artwork by James McConnell from South Africa Part 2, a history of the colonisation of South Africa for younger readers, the first instalment of which was published in World of Wonder issue 206, 1974.
- Artist BiographyJames E McConnell (1903 - 1995)
Well known as a paperback and book jacket artist, particularly for Westerns, James McConnell never turned his hand to picture strips. Leonard Matthews, seeing his paperback work on display in a bookshop, soon had him working as a cover artist for Amalgamated Press, doing the majority of covers for the all text Western Library, a great many of the Cowboy Comics Library covers and a fair number of covers for Thriller Comics Library.
His robust, action-packed style is instantly recognisable. He always seemed more at home with cowboys rather than historical swashbucklers, his covers for the Western Library being of a particular high standard. Nonetheless, some of his historical covers for Thriller Comics Library are very satisfying for he is a great professional and can turn his hand to any genre. McConnell was an incredibly prolific artist, frequently completing a cover painting and the rough for another painting in the same day.