William Scoresby - Arctic Adventurer (Original)

William Scoresby - Arctic Adventurer art by James E McConnell

William Scoresby - Arctic Adventurer (Original)

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Artist: James E McConnell
Medium: Watercolour on Board
Size: 12" x 6" (300mm x 155mm)
Date: 1972
Code: McConnellLeavingHome

This is the unique original Watercolour painting by James E McConnell.

At 20 William Scoresby left home in Cropton, Yorkshire for a life of adventure. On one of his many journeys he managed to navigate a ship to within 510 miles of the North Pole in 1806. He also turned a handy profit on the voyage due to success in hunting whales.
  • Artist Biography
    James E McConnell (1903 - 1995)
    Well known as a paperback and book jacket artist, particularly for Westerns, James McConnell never turned his hand to picture strips. Leonard Matthews, seeing his paperback work on display in a bookshop, soon had him working as a cover artist for Amalgamated Press, doing the majority of covers for the all text Western Library, a great many of the Cowboy Comics Library covers and a fair number of covers for Thriller Comics Library.

    His robust, action-packed style is instantly recognisable. He always seemed more at home with cowboys rather than historical swashbucklers, his covers for the Western Library being of a particular high standard. Nonetheless, some of his historical covers for Thriller Comics Library are very satisfying for he is a great professional and can turn his hand to any genre. McConnell was an incredibly prolific artist, frequently completing a cover painting and the rough for another painting in the same day.

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