Miss Witherfield Keeps A Secret (Original)

Miss Witherfield Keeps A Secret art by Barrie Linklater

Miss Witherfield Keeps A Secret (Original)


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Artist: Barrie Linklater
Medium: Watercolour on Board
Size: 15" x 13" (390mm x 330mm)
Date: 1962
Code: LinklaterPPapers7

This is the unique original Watercolour painting by Barrie Linklater.

Mr. Nupkins the Magistrate attempts to get to the bottom of Miss Witherfield's secret in this illustration from part Seven of the Look and Learn adaptation of Charles Dickens' The Pickwick Papers.

Gentle humour in this fine piece by Barrie Linklater originally published in Look and Learn issue 49, 22nd December 1962.
  • Artist Biography
    Barrie Linklater (born 1931; Birmingham, UK)
    Born in Birmingham, Warwickshire, in 1931, Barrie Linklater studied at Woolwich Polytechnic School of Art and began his artistic career working in a London studio before leaving for Australia where he worked as a freelance for four years.

    Returning to London, Linklater forged a reputation as a fine portrait artist and subsequently as an equestrian artist, his first commission in the latter area coming from HRH the Duke of Edinburgh during a sitting for a portrait in 1975. Equestrian work has since been commissioned by Her Majesty The Queen and the City of London amongst many others. In all he has 13 paintings in the Royal Collection and his work has been exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery. Linklater lives and works in Berkshire.

    In the 1960s, Linklater contributed illustrations to Look and Learn's adaptation of H. G. Wells' The First Men in the Moon in 1963 and later, in 1967, began producing covers and illustrations on a semi-regular basis.


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