John R Keay; UK Artist who contributed to the 'This Made Headlines' and 'Dateline' series which appeared on the inside front cover of Look and Learn in the late 1970s.
Keay had a highly distinctive style, achieving an unusual smoothness of texture in his illustrations, both in colour and black and white. He usually signed his pictures “Keay”. Keay was represented by John Martin & Artists and also illustrated books, including Kings of Israel by David Kent (1981).
John Keay is not to be mistaken for Jack Keay (qv) who also contributed to Look and Learn.
Artist: Andrew HowatMedium: Gouache on BoardSize: 12" x 12" (300mm x 310mm)Date: 1980Code: HowatMaoLLThis is the unique original Gouache painting by A...
Artist: Peter JacksonMedium: Gouache on BoardSize: 8" x 11" (215mm x 285mm)Date: 1970Code: JacksonConfusciousLLThis is the unique original Gouache pai...
Artist: Ken PettsMedium: Watercolour on BoardSize: 13" x 18" (330mm x 450mm)Date: 1980Code: Petts3ShipsThis is the unique original Watercolour paintin...