Jericho (Original)

Jericho art by Peter Jackson

Jericho (Original)


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Artist: Peter Jackson
Medium: Watercolour on Canvas
Size: 23" x 19" (590mm x 490mm)
Date: 1964
Code: JacksonJericho

This is the unique original Watercolour painting by Peter Jackson.

After Jerusalem, Jericho is the most excavated site in Israel. Charles Warren in 1868 sank several shafts but concluded that nothing was to be found (he missed the Neolithic tower by a metre!). Germans Sellin and Watzinger excavated 1907-13, Garstang 1930-36 and Kenyon 1952-58. An Italian-Palestinian team excavated for several years beginning in 1997.

This nicely detailed cut-away work by Peter Jackson depicts everyday life in the town in the years before the city was destroyed by Joshua.

This is the original artwork for illustration on pages 12-13 of The Bible Story issue no 21.
  • Artist Biography
    Peter Charles Geoffrey Jackson (4 March 1922 - 2 May 2003; Brighton, UK)
    Peter Jackson was a master of historical illustration, second-to-none in his ability to bring any period to life. His wonderful London Scrapbooks drawn for the Evening News from the 1940s onwards, some of which were collected in two memorable volumes, "London Explorer" and "London is Stranger Than Fiction", are legendary.

    Jackson began his career adapting classics into comic strips for newspapers in the late 1940s. This led to his long association with the Evening News. His collection of maps, prints and artefacts from all ages of London formed the basis of a number of books, including London: 2000 Years of a City and Its People, The History of London in Maps and Walks in Old London.

    Jackson trained at the Willesden School of Art in London, and his first published work was an illustration for True Story in 1945.

    In the late '40s, he drew a series of adventure classics, one of which, Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe, was printed as Thriller Comics Library no. 29 with additional frames by Patrick Nicolle (taken from his 1952 Sun strip). Jackson is the first to dismiss this strip and it is certainly not in the same league as his version of Treasure Island, part of the same series, which was published in book form by Pitman, or any of the wonderful work he was to do later.

    Much of his working life was taken up with historical reconstructions, etc., and his work for Look and Learn, Express Weekly, Swift, Mickey Mouse Weekly and Eagle confirm that he could have been an even greater asset to the Thriller Comics Library.

    Jackson was chairman of the London Topographical Society, a founder member and chairman of the Ephemera Society and was to have been the recipient of an OBE. The announcement of this honour arrived a day after his death on 2 May 2003, aged 81.


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