Artist: Bert Illoss Medium: Gouache on Board Size: 13" x 15" (320mm x 385mm) Date: 1971 Signature: Signed by artist lower right Code: IllossHumB
This is the Signed unique original Gouache painting by Bert Illoss.
This was originally a double page spread with the left half showing a map of the Americas. The birds are, from top right clockwise: Violet Sabrewing, Male Blue-Throated Sylph, Bee Humming Bird, Raquette Tail, Ruby & Topaz Humming Bird, Frilled Coquette and Thornbill.
Original artwork for illustration on p5 of Once Upon a Time, issue no 118.
Artist: Bert IllossMedium: Gouache on Acid-free PaperSize: 24" x 15" (610mm x 380mm)Date: 1971Signature: Signed by artist lower rightCode: IllossMice...
Artist: Reginald B DavisMedium: Watercolour on BoardSize: 5" x 6" (120mm x 150mm)Date: c. 1980Code: DavisCGooseThis is the unique original Watercolour...
Artist: 20th Century unidentified artistMedium: Watercolour on Acid-free PaperSize: 6" x 5" (140mm x 120mm)Date: c. 1975Code: 20thMaskedLoveBirdThis i...