Artist: John B Higgins Medium: Watercolour on Board Size: 13" x 17" (330mm x 430mm) Date: 1979 Signature: Signed by artist bottom right Code: HigginsDuvalLL
This is the Signed unique original Watercolour painting by John B Higgins.
A lovely depiction of a highway robbery in mid 17th Century England. Observe the charmed expression of the lady and the alarmed yet curious expressions of the male victims as they meet the Footpad from France.
For ten years England's roads were terrorised by the highwayman Claude Duval, a Frenchman who robbed the rich - and stole his way into ladies' hearts.
Original artwork for the illustration on p 7 of Look and Learn issue no. 926 (20 October 1979). John Higgins is probably most famous for his work in 2000AD and for colouring Alan Moore's Watchmen series for DC Comics.
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Artist: Edward MortelmansMedium: Watercolour on BoardSize: 8" x 9" (200mm x 220mm)Date: 1970Code: MortelmansHighwayThis is the unique original Waterco...
Artist: Colin AndrewMedium: Pen & Ink on BoardSize: 15" x 11" (380mm x 280mm)Date: 1976Signature: Signed by artist lower middle underneath text panel...