Doctor Who - Final Chapter - Problem Solved (Original)

Doctor Who - Final Chapter - Problem Solved art by Martin Geraghty and Robin Smith

Doctor Who - Final Chapter - Problem Solved (Original)

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Artists: Martin Geraghty, Robin Smith
Medium: Pen & Ink on Board
Size: 9" x 14" (230mm x 350mm)
Date: 1988
Code: GeraghtyDWFC04

This is the unique original Pen & Ink drawing by Martin Geraghty, Robin Smith.

This story featured Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor and Izzy Sinclair as his companion. The story takes place on Gallifrey. The Doctor is forced to enter The Matrix again in order to save himself.

The story was published in Doctor Who Magazine issues 262 - 265, 12th February to 7th May 1988.

Please note all text is on an acetate overlay not on the pen and ink artwork (and so can be removed easily if you prefer). Also the page numbers are for reference only and do not reflect the chapter or page in the magazine publication.

Pencil art is by Martin Geraghty and finished inks by Robin Smith.

  • Artist Biography

    Martin Geraghty; UK
    Martin Geraghty is a comic book artist who lives and works in the UK.

    His first commission was for the Marvel UK comic Overkill but the comic folded before his story was published.

    He began drawing for Doctor Who Magazine in 1993 and has continued to draw regularly for it ever since.

    An exceptionally prolific penciller for Doctor Who Magazine, he can also claim to be its most versatile artist, since he's drawn non-parodic stories featuring eight different incarnations of the Doctor and well over fifteen companions. Only Mike Collins rivals him for the crown of "most Doctors featured in proper, non-parodic stories" — but Collins has only drawn stories featuring the Seventh through the Eleventh Doctors.

    He contributed to the audio commentary for the animated recreations of The Power of the Daleks and Shada.

    Outside of comics Martin works in advertising.
    Source: Illustration Art Gallery

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