Men Of The Jolly Roger: Henry Morgan - The Raid On Panama City (Original)

Men Of The Jolly Roger: Henry Morgan - The Raid On Panama City art by Ron Embleton

Men Of The Jolly Roger: Henry Morgan - The Raid On Panama City (Original)

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Artist: Ron Embleton
Medium: Gouache on Acid-free Paper
Size: 6" x 6" (150mm x 150mm)
Date: 1965
Code: EmbletonCanoes

This is the unique original Gouache painting by Ron Embleton.

This gouache painting by the great Ron Embleton depicts the pirate Henry Morgan leading 2,000 buccaneers up the river for a raid on Panama City for gold, breaking the 1670 treaty between England and Spain.

Original artwork for illustration on p28 of Look and Learn issue no 164 6th March 1965.

There is some minor glue residue which has been noted when pricing.

    In Stock