Jill daily strip (Signed) (Original)

Jill daily strip art by Ian Dickson

Jill daily strip (Signed) (Original)

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Artist: Ian Dickson
Medium: Pen & Ink on Board
Size: 16" x 5" (400mm x 130mm)
Date: 1958
Signature: Signed by artist last panel
Code: DicksonJill

This is the Signed unique original Pen & Ink drawing by Ian Dickson.

The original pen and ink artwork for the daily strip Jill in Weekend 1958. Note the art is cut between panels 2 and 3.
  • Artist Biography
    Ian Oscar Dickson (15 January 1905 - 21 July 1987; Dunedin, New Zealand & UK)
    Ian Dickson was born in Dunedin, New Zealand, grew up in Melbourne, Australia and was self-taught as an artist. Dickson was something of a world traveller, seeking out work as a cartoonist and illustrator wherever he was. His work appeared in the Adelaide Register News Pictorial, the Brisbane Telegraph and tourist brochures for the Queensland government.

    Emigrating to England, he produced illustrations for film companies and work for Razzle before moving to Ceylon, working for the Times of Ceylon and Ceylon Observer. Returning to Britain in 1935, his work appeared in Punch, London Opinion, Men Only and Blighty, often drawing glamour girls. During the War he served with the R.A.F.

    For 15 years he drew Mum each week for the Sunday Graphic and his comic strips also appeared in Eagle Annual, Girl Annual and Swift Annual.

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