Artist: Brian Aldred Medium: Pen & Ink on Acid-free Paper Size: 13" x 17" (320mm x 420mm) Date: 1983 Code: AldredDesiderata02
This is the unique original Pen & Ink drawing by Brian Aldred.
"Desiderata" (Latin for "things desired") is a 1927 prose poem by the American writer Max Ehrmann. The text was widely distributed in poster form in the 1960s and 1970s.
This is the original artwork by Brian Aldred for the cover of Desiderata by Max Erhmann, published by Souvenir Press in 1983. This is an alternate cover to the one eventually published.
Artist: Brian AldredMedium: Pen & Ink on Acid-free PaperSize: 13" x 17" (320mm x 420mm)Date: 1983Code: AldredDesiderata01This is the unique original P...
Artist: Jose OrtizMedium: Watercolour on CardSize: 11" x 15" (285mm x 375mm)Date: 1972Code: OrtizJNewYearThis is the unique original Watercolour paint...
Artist: Ron EmbletonMedium: Mixed Media on PaperSize: 16" x 21" (400mm x 530mm)Date: 1982Code: RE0281This is the unique original Mixed Media art by Ro...