Panning for Gold (Original)

Panning for Gold art by Horace Gaffron

Panning for Gold (Original)


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Artist: Horace Gaffron
Medium: Gouache on Board
Size: 16" x 16" (410mm x 395mm)
Date: 1968
Code: GaffronPanning

This is the unique original Gouache painting by Horace Gaffron.

They Lived Their Books: A Man Among Men. Panning for gold in the USA with, inset, Jack London, author of the novel Call of the Wild. From Look and Learn no. 363 (28 December 1968).

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  • Artist Biography
    Horace C Gaffron; UK
    A talented Scottish artist illustrator who was a veteran of the Somme where he lost his leg but lived to the age of 103. He illustrated many covers for Good Housekeeping mostly during the 1930s and 1940s (in the UK and USA). Proud of his Scottish ancestry, and nicknamed 'Jock', he was the last living Gordon Highlander.

    His studio was in Scotland but he travelled to the USA quite often to meet his publisher (including Good Housekeeping). In Britain during the 1950s he drew for various children's annuals and in the 1960s he worked for Look And Learn magazine painting historical and religious themes.

    Gaffron often favoured an unusual magazine cover layout, with a large image on top and underneath it a much smaller, wider angle that further expands or underlines the main image. Sort of like a two panel comic strip and surely unique in cover design.


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