Artist: Gordon Hutchings Medium: Gouache on Board Size: 11" x 13" (290mm x 335mm) Date: c. 1968 Code: HutchingsNumBeach1
This is the unique original Gouache painting by Gordon Hutchings.
Num Num invents a bowling game at the seaside using oranges and balloons.
This would have originally appeared in TV Toyland or Playhour. This page was remounted on a larger board when the story was reprinted in Playhour Annual 1977.
Gordon Hutchings Gordon Hutchings took over the long-running Gulliver Guinea-Pig strip from Philip Mendoza around 1961 and his crisp charming work appeared in Playhour and later the Teddy Bear Annual.
Artist: Gordon HutchingsMedium: Watercolour on BoardSize: 13" x 12" (330mm x 310mm)Date: 1966Code: HutchingsBonfireThis is the unique original Waterco...
Artist: Gordon HutchingsMedium: Watercolour on BoardSize: 13" x 12" (330mm x 310mm)Date: 1966Code: HutchingsPartyThis is the unique original Watercolo...
Artist: Gordon HutchingsMedium: Gouache on BoardSize: 8" x 10" (215mm x 255mm)Date: 1964Code: HutchingsGGParrotThis is the unique original Gouache pai...