Gordon Hutchings Gordon Hutchings took over the long-running Gulliver Guinea-Pig strip from Philip Mendoza around 1961 and his crisp charming work appeared in Playhour and later the Teddy Bear Annual.
Artist: Ron EmbletonMedium: Gouache on BoardSize: 17" x 12" (435mm x 305mm)Date: 1970Code: EmbletonBeautyBThis is the unique original Gouache painting...
Artist: Fred WhiteMedium: Gouaches on BoardSize: 15" x 21" (378mm x 545mm)Date: 1965Signature: Signed by artist in first panelCode: WhiteFGGSugarThes...
Artist: Jesus BlascoMedium: Watercolour on BoardSize: 6" x 6" (140mm x 150mm)Date: 1958Signature: Signed by artist bottom leftCode: BlascoDS201This i...