Félix Carrión Cenamor (29 November 1920 - June 2003; Madrid, Spain) Félix Carrión was born in Madrid. He began to work with textile in the capital of Spain. His true passion was drawing however, and when he lost his job at age 40, he moved to Barcelona to pursue a career as a cartoonist. His first work were contributions to the 'El Capitán Trueno' comic book and the magazine Pulgarcito in 1961. From 1963, he drew for El Capitán Trueno Extra, illustrating stories with 'El Capitán Trueno', 'El Jabato' and 'El Príncipe Errante'. He did several comic adaptations of novels, for instance of the work of Karl May and Jules Verne.
Between 1970 and 1977, he illustrated several stories for Joyas Literarias, such as 'Los Pescadores del Trepang', 'El Capitán Aventuroso' and 'Los Buscadores de Oro'. He also drew for foreign publications through agencies until 1992. He worked for 2000AD on 'Flesh' and drew for the British magazine The Hornet, and illustrated the series 'Buffalo Bill' for the Dutch publisher Bull. His final works for the Spanish market were 'La Historia de España' (1986) and 'La Historia Universal' (1992).
Artist: Mike NobleMedium: Watercolour on BoardSize: 11" x 15" (290mm x 390mm)Date: 1972Code: NobleFF12-7-72This is the unique original Watercolour pai...
Artist: John WorsleyMedium: Gouache on BoardSize: 20" x 15" (500mm x 370mm)Date: 1965Code: WorsleyJAlligatorThis is the unique original Gouache painti...
Artist: William Francis MarshallMedium: Gouache on BoardSize: 8" x 12" (200mm x 310mm)Date: 1974Code: MarshallElephantThis is the unique original Goua...