Menace Of The Stormtrooper - Train Ride (Original)

Menace Of The Stormtrooper - Train Ride art by Eric Bradbury

Menace Of The Stormtrooper - Train Ride (Original)

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Artist: Eric Bradbury
Medium: Pen & Ink on Acid-free Board
Size: 17" x 20" (425mm x 510mm)
Date: c. 1967
Code: BradburyEMOTS01

This is the unique original Pen & Ink drawing by Eric Bradbury.

Prisoners sabotage a Nazi train.

The Menace Of The Stormtrooper featured in the Champion annual 1967.
  • Artist Biography
    Eric Bradbury (born 1921; Sydenham, Kent)
    Eric Bradbury was born in Sydenham, Kent, but moved to nearby Beckenham at the age of ten where he gained a scholarship to the local Art School in 1936. During the War he was an airgunner flying Wellingtons. Like Geoff Campion, Eric Bradbury began his strip career drawing Our Ernie and other "funnies" characters for Knockout in 1949.

    Before long, however, thanks to the persuasion of Leonard Matthews, Bradbury began work on adventure strips. Starting on Knockout's Luck Logan Western strip and, later, as the best of the Campion imitators on the Buffalo Bill strip in Comet, he was soon creating his own strips such as The King's Thief for Comet based on the MGM film - a far more exciting strip than it was a movie!

    By the 1960s, Eric Bradbury began to develop his own idiosyncratic, dark, somewhat sinister style, with such strips as Mytek the Mighty and The House of Dolmann for Valiant, Maxwell Hawke for Buster and Doomlord for the new 1980's Eagle.

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