Doctor Who: Supernature Part 3 Page 5 (Original)

Doctor Who: Supernature Part 3 Page 5 art by Mike Collins and David Roach

Doctor Who: Supernature Part 3 Page 5 (Original)

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Artists: Mike Collins, David Roach
Medium: Pen & Ink on Board
Size: 11" x 16" (280mm x 400mm)
Date: 2010
Code: CollinsDWSuperN3-5

This is the unique original Pen & Ink drawing by Mike Collins, David Roach.

Single page episode from the story Supernature featuring the Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith. Part 3 page 5. The story appeared in Doctor Who Monthly issues 421 - 423. Pencils by Mike Collins, inks by David Roach.

This story was the first to feature the Eleventh Doctor in the pages of Doctor Who Monthly. It marked the first appearance of Amy Pond.

  • Artist Biography

    Mike Collins (1961; West Bromwich, UK)
    Mike Collins is a Wales-based comic book artist and writer and has been working in comics since the mid-1980s.

    Born in West Bromwich in 1961, he moved to Wales in 1985 after an abortive stab at a career in the Law, in London. Despite his training as a barrister, Mike decided that he enjoyed the fiction-based life of comic book characters over the fiction-based statements of clients. He is married to Karen Collins and father of 3 daughters, Bethan, Rebecca and Rhiannon and is currently placed in Cardiff. He is the Grandson of Military Medal winning World War One soldier Thomas Guinane.

    UK comics --- in the mid to late 1980s, Mike wrote and drew strips for Marvel Comics United Kingdom division, amongst them; Spider-Man, Transformers, Doctor Who, and Zoids. He also worked on the celebrated UK weekly comic 2000 AD drawing Judge Dredd, Sláine and Rogue Trooper, as well as writing various Future Shocks.

    US comics --- Mike was hired in the 'Second Wave' of British artists lured to the United States in the late 1980s. Through the 1990s, he worked primarily for DC Comics on their key titles - Batman, Superman, Flash, Teen Titans, Wonder Woman and the Justice League.

    He also drew a series of licenced comics for the company, using various TSR, Inc./Dungeons and Dragons characters. A brief spell at Marvel saw Mike working on Uncanny X-Men (Key issue: #266, the first appearance of Gambit). He was back to DC though, to write and draw Peter Cannon, Thunderbolt, a revival of a 1960s Charlton Comics character.

    Mike's primarily known for his work on TV and movie tie-in comics- for both Marvel and DC he has written and drawn Star Trek comics. In the late 1990s, he drew a Babylon 5 mini-series, "In Valen's Name", written by series creator J. Michael Straczynski and Peter David. A departure from most tie-in productions in that it actually serves as series 'canon' being based on an unused 3rd season script.

    Mike is the artist (and sometime writer) on Panini Comics 'Doctor Who Magazine', Mike also wrote and drew a strip for the late, lamented Weekly World News, as well as co-creating the series American Gothic with Ian Edginton for 2000 AD.

    Outside of comics Mike paints covers to a monthly series of downloadable Star Trek novels - the Starfleet Corps of Engineers, and works as a storyboard artist for both animation and live-action TV and movies.

    Major work recently published is a 135 page adaptation of Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol' for Classical Comics. His regular 'Doctor Who' collaborators, inker David Roach and colour artist James Offredi, worked with him on the book, with the script writer being Sean Michael Wilson. The graphic novel was chosen as one of the Top Ten Graphic Novels of the year by the Sunday Times and has gone on to sell well across by the UK and US, with several foreign language versions also coming out.

    For BBC Books he has drawn The Only Good Dalek- the first graphic novel from the publisher, written by long time Doctor Who author Justin Richards, and a sequel/prequel to the TV episode Victory of the Daleks, The Dalek Project.

    He wrote and designed the first ever Welsh language graphic novel - Mabinogi in association with Cartwyn Cymru in 2001, and is the first UK artist to produce a series of graphic novels for Norway with Gunnar Staalesen, featuring his celebrated private eye, Varg Veum. He works as a key illustrator for Welsh language school books using the comic strip medium, aimed at reluctant learners.

    He supplied art for a number of cards in the Harry Potter Trading Card Game.

    Mike is the lead singer of Cardiff based Tom Waits tribute band 'Tom Waits for no man'. Named by his daughter Rebecca, who is also a founding member alongside Viv Lock on guitar and Terry Williams on bass. They are a large contribution toward the lively and fast-growing Whitchurch music scene.

    As well as comics work, Mike is a storyboard artist for Calon and Dinamo on children's TV shows, primarily the BAFTA winning Hana's Helpline, Igam Ogam and Cwm Teg. He has also worked on short live action movies, one of which -Day At The Beach- was BAFTA nominated in 2004. He also storyboarded on the Warhammer 40,000 CG film UltraMarines, and for Doctor Who Confidential.
    Source: Wikipedia

  • Artist Biography 2

    David Roach; UK
    David Roach is a British comic book artist and writer based in Wales, United Kingdom. Roach actively illustrates for many companies, including 2000 AD, Panini Comics, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Dark Horse Comics, Topps, and the gaming company Wizards of the Coast.

    Roach started comic book illustration in the 1980s, self-publishing the Hellfire fanzine. Since 1988 Roach has worked as an inker and penciller for 2000 AD on such titles as Nemesis the Warlock, Judge Anderson, Judge Dredd and Synnamon.

    In the 1990s, Roach started producing work for DC Comics, drawing Batman and Demon and inking Challengers of the Unknown. Roach contributed to the Dark Horse Comics' Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi.

    Roach is associate editor of the U.S. based magazine Comic Book Artist, which is dedicated to the historical representation of comic-book characters. Roach was co-editor of The Warren Companion: The Definitive Compendium to the Great Comics of Warren Publishing (2001) the revised edition of the Slings and Arrows Comics Guide (2003) and The Superhero Book: The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Comic Book Icons and Hollywood Heroes (2004).

    The Welshman has been an on-off contributor to 2000AD since 1988, as well as regularly working as an inker on the strip features in Doctor Who Magazine.

    He comes from a family of academics, and has been developing a parallel career of late as something of a comic book and illustration historian.

    Roach has worked as illustrator for consecutive Dungeons & Dragons role playing game book titles for publishers Wizards of the Coast.

    Roach's recent work has included working as storyboard artist and penciller of accompanying graphic novel, Hard Choices 'What happened on Algol?', for Ultramarines: The Movie both written by Dan Abnett and released on 29 November 2010.
    Source: Wikipedia &

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