EXTRACTS: Pirates! Illustrators Special Edition © 2020 The Book Palace (128 PAGES in Full edition)

110 Norman Mills Price Perhaps due to his interest and devotion almost exclusively to historical subjects (mainly American history), Norman Price never received the popular recognition his artistic work deserved. The dedication and artistry he put into his work was, however, greatly admired by a select group of people—his artistic peers. His painstaking research into every detail made each of his images an authentic documentary of the times he was depicting. Yet these details didn’t detract the viewer from the dramatic concept of the illustration itself. Born on April 16, 1877, in the small Ontario town of Brampton, near Toronto, Norman Mills Price as a boy was introduced to the illustrator’s art through such magazines as Harper’s , Scribner’s , and The Century which he and other Canadian art students anxiously waited for each month. In 1896, after one year at the Ontario School of Art, he worked with Grip Litho while continuing his art studies at night. Although he had had another ambition first—that of being a concert pianist, by 1902 he saw that his career as a pianist wouldn’t pan out, so decided instead to continue his art training in Europe.