EXTRACTS: The Art of Commando (illustrators special) © 2019 The Book Palace (144 PAGES in Full edition)

122 Commando comics have always been distinguished by the strength of their covers and over the last fifty plus years some of the most inspired illustrators in the business have lent their talents to the title. Within recent months the Commando team have recruited three new artists to their cover roster. Each has their own distinctive approach, each is a long time fan of the title and each has their own individual skill-set developed Undercover with Neil Roberts As one of Commando's newest recruits reveals— there is more to producing cover art for the UK's longest-running war comic than meets the eye. Neil's artwork combines various disciplines that he has mastered throughout his career, including drawing, painting and 3D modelling with 3DS Max. He manages to combine all these processes without sacrificing the painterly skills which underpin images such as his cover art for 'Walking the Line', Commando issue 5147, published August 2018.