EXTRACTS: Illustrators issue 22 © 2018 The Book Palace (96 PAGES in Full edition)

3 ABOVE: Barry Coker and Jordi Macabich, the two people responsible for the Bardon Art agency. FACING PAGE: Powerman -pencils by Dave Gibbons, inks by Brian Bolland. Image supplied by courtesy of Brian Bolland. Blackfriars Bridge and rode the lift up to a high floor in King’s Reach Tower on the other side of the Thames. There, Barry introduced me to Pat, who was looking for someone to draw the sports story for the new comic and thought, after seeing my Powerman pages, that I might be that someone. It was a big break. It also meant that I was now working to a weekly deadline with editors I could talk to personally. Given the relentless deadlines, I also arranged delivery of my pages directly, whether via the Red Star