EXTRACTS: The Modesty Blaise Companion Expanded Edition © 2018 The Book Palace (425 PAGES in Full edition)

T H E M O D E S T Y B L A I S E C O M P A N I O N I I PARKER, Eddie STORY 73: “THE YOUNG MISTRESS” STRIP 7781 Freelance advertising copywriter and former boyfriend of Marian Hall. When Modesty initially gets Marian free from Bruce Lacey they get back together again but Lacey then kidnaps them both, using them as bait to get Modesty in his power. Also used as a lever by Lacey to make Marian paint a fake Rembrandt. PARKER, Matt STORY 61: “BUTCH CASSIDY RIDES AGAIN”: STRIP 6524 High school friend of Annie Freeman who is helping Jake and Martha Freeman defend their ranch. Shot by one of The Preacher’s men during the shoot out staged for the tourists in the ghost town of Cordite. Saved when Modesty realises he has been shot by a live round and not a blank. She stops the arterial bleeding of his wound until Dr. Paynter arrives and takes over. PARSONS, Pimples STORY 39: “IDAHO GEORGE” TEXT ONLY STRIP 4358 Former criminal associate of the late Alfred Potts whose wife Anastasia now runs the gang. Thinks him common. PAUL STORY 11: “THE MAGNIFIED MAN”: STRIP 1305 One of Herr Bilke’s gang. Ties up Willie when he and Modesty are captured by Bilke. Not separately identified. PAULO STORY 51: “THE BALLOONATIC” STRIP 5579A Member of the staff of Count Orlando Smythe. At the climax of the banquet he is instructed to fetch the rapiers for the proposed duel between the Count and Guido Biganzoli. PAYNTER, Dr. Ruth STORY 61 “BUTCH CASSIDY RIDES AGAIN” STRIP 6532 Tourist and a doctor on a coach trip to the former ghost town of Cordite. Takes charge of Matt Parker when he is shot by The Preacher’s men. Has to improvise from the first aid box from the coach. It is her opinion Modesty’s quick action has saved Matt’s life. PEARL A Himalayan Black Bear who came down from the hills and was recognised as the reincarnation of the noble sister of the seventh High Lama of Tahksen. It will be her sacred duty to recognise the next High Lama, her own brother, in his next existence. Of tremendous religious importance in the area. STORY 10: “THE BLACK PEARL”: STRIP 1192 Because of her great religous importance she is kept in the care of and is guarded by the Abbot of Sendring. She is desperately sought by the Chinese forces occupying Tibet who wish to use her to set up an imposter as the next Lama who will then be under their control. When Modesty is called by the holy man Lal to fulfill her obligation to him she and Willie go to Sendring to take her to safety. Like so many ladies in the past she immediately falls for Willie. STORY 92 “DEATH SYMBOL” STRIP 9794A Referred to by Modesty and Willie when telling Sushilla of their previous experience of Tibet under Chinese rule when they are planning the rescue of Maureen Boyd. PEDRO STORY 76 “A PRESENT FOR THE PRINCESS” STRIP 8092 Husband of Maria, neighbour of Jose and Rima in the village of Yuti. Is slightly suspicious of Willie and half warns, half asks him not to take advantage of Rima, the girl who saved, him from the river and brought him to the village. PENDER STORY 5: “THE MIND OF MRS. DRAKE”: STRIP 502 Civil servant in the Ministry of Defence who has been passing secrets to V. N. Korzon. He is no longer able to stand the strain and has written out a confession to give to his superior. Knows it will bring ruin upon him and seeks help from Mrs Drake who tells Korzon, who simply kills him. 124 Drawn by Neville Colvin Strip 5580 21st December, 1982 Drawn by Romero Strip 6536 8th October, 1986 Drawn by Romero Strip 6524A Not published in the Evening Standard Drawn by Romero Strip 7793 7th October, 1991 Drawn by Jim Holdaway Strip 1192 2nd March, 1967 Drawn by Romero Strip 9794A Not published in the Evening Standard Drawn by Romero Strip 8092 10th December, 1992 Drawn by Jim Holdaway Strip 505 11th December, 1964