Bob Hersey Bob Hersey is a published author and a leading illustrator of children's books.
Some of the published credits of Bob Hersey include Everyday Things (Explainers Series, 2007), Dinosaurs (Kid Kits, 2007), Bats (Scary Creatures, 2004), Birds of Prey (Scary Creatures, 2004), Dinosaurs Sticker Book (2000), Norman Rockwell: A Pop-up Art Experience (1999), Monet's House at Giverny: A Pop-up Carousel (1999), Van Gogh's House: A Pop-up Experience (1998), The Book of Britain (1986), The Children's Book of The Earth (1978), The Children's Book of The Seas (1978), Children's Encyclopaedia of Prehistoric Life (1977) and Look and Learn magazine (1980s).
Artist: G W BackhouseMedium: Gouache on BoardSize: 9" x 20" (220mm x 520mm)Date: 1967Code: BackhouseElephantThis is the unique original Gouache painti...
Artist: Bob HerseyMedium: Watercolour on BoardSize: 12" x 12" (305mm x 305mm)Date: 1980Code: HerseyHuntThis is the unique original Watercolour paintin...
Artist: Felix CarrionMedium: Pen & Ink Washes on CardSize: 12" x 17" (310mm x 430mm)Date: 1973Code: CarrionEB15-20These are the unique original Pen & ...
Artist: Graham CotonMedium: Gouache on BoardSize: 10" x 8" (245mm x 210mm)Date: c. 1979Code: CotonNellyLLThis is the unique original Gouache painting ...