Skit, Skat and the Captain (Original)

Skit, Skat and the Captain art by Basil Reynolds

Skit, Skat and the Captain (Original)


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Artist: Basil Reynolds
Medium: Pencil on Cartridge Paper
Size: 10" x 14" (255mm x 355mm)
Date: c. 1938
Code: ReynoldsCaptain

This is the unique original Pencil drawing by Basil Reynolds.

A wonderful complete one page Christmas Special story. Skit, Skat and the Captain was a regular feature in Britain's first glossy photogravure comic Mickey Mouse Weekly.

The strip was created by its artist Basil Reynolds. Reynolds had been one of the youngest nationally syndicated newspaper cartoonists in the 1920s. This is a full pencil rough with full text. There are four editorial corrections in the last panel.

Original pre World War Two artwork is vanishingly scarce and to have cartooning of this quality surviving is a special treat. The clock joke was a recurring gag in the strip. Reynolds has been noted as having influenced the great Ken Reid.
  • Artist Biography
    Basil Reynolds
    Basil Reynolds wrote and drew the popular Wonders of the Wild comic strip for many years for a variety of publications including Mickey Mouse Weekly (1952-1954), Express Weekly and Express Annuals (1955-1962) and Playhour Annual (1957-1958).


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