Famous Quotes of Dr. Samuel Johnson (Signed) (Original)
Famous Quotes of Dr. Samuel Johnson (Signed) (Original)
Famous Quotes of Dr. Samuel Johnson (Signed) (Original)
Artist: Paul Rainer Medium: Watercolour on Board Size: 20" x 9" (510mm x 240mm) Date: 1968 Signature: Signed by artist bottom right Code: RainerDrJohnson
This is the Signed unique original Watercolour painting by Paul Rainer.
Dr Johnson: "No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into jail." Life below deck in the eighteenth-century, showing conditions worse than prison and with the added risk of drowning.
Original artwork for illustration on p3 Look and Learn no. 266 (18 February 1967).
Paul Rainer (Flourished 1950s and 1960s) Paul Rainer, an illustrator about whom not much is known. We know he was active in the 1950s in Everybody's Magazine, and in the 1960s contributed to both Bible Story and Look and Learn.
He illustrated a couple of series in Look and Learn including 'People and Plants' in 1966, the excellent 'Who Said...?' in 1967 and various others in 1968-69. Before that, he was one of the regular illustrators for Bible Story, illustrating 'The Story of the Life of Jesus' (1964).
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