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established 1977

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Barrie Linklater Art
Musket Volley (Original)

Musket Volley (Original) by Barrie Linklater Art at The Illustration Art Gallery

Ref: LinklaterMusketShtLL (Click for LARGE picture)

Artist: Barrie Linklater (biography)
Medium: Gouache on Board
Size: 12" x 7" (315mm x 175mm)
Date: 1970

This is the unique original Gouache painting by Barrie Linklater.

The first battle in which firearms played a decisive part was at Bicocca in 1522. French and Swiss troops advanced on lines of Spanish pikemen expecting an easy victory. Then the lines of pikemen parted and a storm of bullets tore into the aggressors.

An Arquebus was an improved matchlock. A curved piece of metal called a serpentine held a piece of burning tow known as a match. This was brought down onto the flash pan which carried the priming powder. This burned sharply and the flash struck through the touch hole and exploded the main charge in the barrel.

Price:  £190.00
      IN STOCK        $


Barrie Linklater Art

Barrie Linklater Art