All Sorts of Sea Shells A (Original)

All Sorts of Sea Shells A art by 20th Century unidentified artist

All Sorts of Sea Shells A (Original)

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Artist: 20th Century unidentified artist
Medium: Watercolour on Board
Size: 13" x 7" (330mm x 190mm)
Date: 1970
Code: 20thShellA

This is the unique original Watercolour painting by 20th Century unidentified artist.

Six examples of shells from the regular feature All Sorts of… which ran in the pages of Once Upon A Time comic. All Sorts of Sea Shells was published in issue 78, 8th August 1970.

The examples are (top left, clockwise) Beau's Murex, Moon Shell, Canoe Bubble, Banded Tulip, European Venus Clam and Variegated Turret.

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