cover of Look And Learn book 1976 (Original)

cover of Look And Learn book 1976 art by 20th Century unidentified artist

cover of Look And Learn book 1976 (Original)

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Artist: 20th Century unidentified artist
Medium: Watercolour on Card
Size: 9" x 10" (220mm x 250mm)
Date: 1975
Code: 20thLandLBook76LL

This is the unique original Watercolour painting by 20th Century unidentified artist.

Depicts Sputnik, Marx, Lenin, a toucan, Mercury capsule and an astronaut amongst other items.

Original painted artwork used as the front cover to The Look and Learn Book 1976. Very fine detailed watercolours / gouache painted at the same size it was printed. Note there is a tiny amount of damage where the paint has been lost just under the revolver. This is reflected in the asking price.

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