EXTRACTS: Warren magazines - The Spanish Artists (Illustrators Special Edition) © 2016 The Book Palace (144 PAGES in Full edition)

48 Sanjulián Probably one of the most virtuosic illustrators of fantasy and sword and sorcery, Sanjulián is the quintessential cover artist, having tackled various subjects and literature genres with the aplomb and perception of a seasoned expert in the illustration field. His knowledge of the human body and the way he positions them on his covers epitomizes his figurative artistic talent, but also show his painterly side, bringing into mind, among others, one of his favourite artists: Velázquez, the painter’s painter. Known as well for the horror covers he did for the Warren magazines in While comic strip was not Sanjulian's favoured medium, his shaky start with SI belied the heights he would scale when the full majesty of his art was revealed to a new international audience. RIGHT: Sanjuliáns art erupts into visceral life as Conan , in typical barbarian mode, prepares to battle the forces of darkness in 'The Red Queen'. Painted in oils and measuring 69 x 83 cm, this painting has all the elements of a classic Sanjulián cover, the same elements that first seduced readers of Warren magazines in the 1970s.