EXTRACTS: Warren magazines - The Spanish Artists (Illustrators Special Edition) © 2016 The Book Palace (144 PAGES in Full edition)

18 Enric For many fans Enric was the premier Vampirella artist of the 1970s. But there are more beautiful women to be found in his work than just the raven haired nocturne… ABOVE: 'Red Sonja', Robert E Howard's flame tressed warrior queen is a familiar icon in Enric's art. RIGHT: Enric's masterful use of lighting and image juxtaposition ensured his work was always in demand for paperback covers. If you were a fan of the Vampirella comics-magazine when Warren published it back in the 1970s, chances are that those fabulous painted covers you saw were done by an artist named Enrich. The paintings were so realistic that Vampirella seemed ready to leap off the covers and reach out for you. Enric Torres-Prat was born in Barcelona, in 1938. Since his early youth, he was interested in photography and painting, but opted for the latter as he felt it was a much better vehicle to express his ideas. He spent his youth travelling through many European countries, studying the paintings in the various museums he visited. It was at the Rijksmuseum of Amsterdam that he discovered the painter that impressed him the most: Rembrandt. The way Rembrandt worked with light and shade and obtained golden tones with only his oils and Vampirella © Dynamitw Entertainment Red Sonja © Dynamitw Entertainment